Friday, October 19, 2012

Fall Fun Part I

Here are some of the images I have captured this fall.... The fun I have been having, the food and drink I have been enjoying, and some great so-cal scenery!

Our house is ready for fall! Loving my candy corn candle, except I keep snacking and having to refill! 

Train tracks in Santa Barbara. We were in SB looking at wedding venues!!!

MB morning walk complete with puffy white cumulous clouds post last weeks storm 

Friday night martinins. The perfect end to a long week! 

Shaved. Truffle. Mac & Cheese. YUM!

Working race committee at a regatta (sailboat race) in Newport Harbor


  1. where did you eat that mac n cheese? looks yummy!

    1. Hi Tala- The Mac N Cheese is from a restaurant in Newport Beach called the Bungalow. I am quite the connoisseur of mac n cheese, it is one of the best I have had! Hope you can try it sometime!
